
Good Morning,

This past week I attended the Iowa Turf Conference in Des Moines.  This conference brings together golf course, sports turf, and lawn care people from all across the state to experience education sessions along with networking opportunities.  

Some of the more interesting classes included a session with the Iowa DNR discussing an Iowa Water Use Plan, a winter turf research update, and developing a comprehensive disease management program.  It was one of the best turf conferences I have attended, in Iowa, for quite some time.

I was able to visit with Speed’s during the trade show to gather a little more information on our rental carts that were ordered one year ago.  They feel pretty confident we should receive our golf carts prior to the season starting.  I’d be happy if they arrived sometime in April.  Time will tell.

The warm weather will have the snow melted off the golf course in a day or two.  There is quite a bit of moisture on the greens which gives me an ease of mind.  I was really shocked to talk to so many golf course people that have only received a few inches of snow in their areas.  We are well below our average snowfall but doing a lot better than most golf courses.

Over the next few days I will continue to monitor the condition of the golf course as well as start picking up branches and other debris.  There are still quite a few small branches from the high winds during the winter months.  There is also quite a collection of plastic grocery sacks.  

Enjoy the sunshine and warm weather.  Spring is just around the corner and we will be golfing in no time.  I’m estimating the end of March will be close to an opening date for the 2022 golf season.

Brian C Mohr

Director of Golf Operations

City of Spencer

101 W 5th Street

Spencer Municipal Golf Course

Spencer, Iowa 51301



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